How to Float in the Middle of a Flood Week 2


  • Pray and invite God into this time with Him.

  • Read Genesis 6:11-16

  • God tells Noah to make an ark and Noah does it without asking questions. Has God ever told you to do something, or you felt a nudge from Him to do something? Did you do it? Or did you ask a bunch of questions and eventually decide not to do what God was nudging you to do? 

  • Noah building the ark was him preparing for the flood, but Noah didn’t even know the flood was coming. Have you ever had a “flood” happen in your life that you weren’t prepared for? An expected loss of a family member or friend? A difficult financial situation you weren’t prepared for? Something that happened to one of your kids that blindsided you and your family?

  • What are some ways you can start preparing yourself now for future floods? What are some arks you can build in your life? 

  • Have you ever wanted to do something that you felt God telling you to do but worried about what others might think, so you didn’t do it? What do you think would’ve happened if Noah had worried about what other people thought of him while building the ark so he decided not to do it? 

  • What are some ways you can start strengthening your relationship with Jesus right now instead of waiting for the flood to come? 

  • Read Genesis 6:22, 7:1-4

  • Are there certain areas in your life where you need to start building an ark? Is it your marriage? Is it your friendships/relationships? Is it at work with your coworkers? 

Spiritual Practice

Reflection: Take a deep breath and reflect on the questions you just answered. Think about the areas in your life where you need to start building an ark to strengthen your life before a flood comes. Start thinking about the steps you can take to build those arks in your life. Think about all the people in your life that can be encouraged and positively impacted by these arks you are building in your life. 

Prayer: Spend time in prayer with God. Ask Him to help you see what areas in your life are weak and need strengthening. If it’s your relationship with Him, ask Him to help you make it stronger. Ask Him to help give you the strength to see those problems and start building the arks in those areas to be stronger. Thank Him for helping you prepare for any floods that might come your way in life. 


How to Float in the Middle of a Flood Week 3


How to Float in the Middle of a Flood Week 1