A tool to help you run to the people around you.
What is the Run Project?
The Run Project was created to empower the people of Embrace to run and show the love of Jesus to those around us.
Do you have an idea to serve others or meet a need in your neighborhood? We want to help you run with it (and even provide up to $2,000)!
Embrace has funds set aside for The Run Project and uses them to complete a variety of projects. Instead of creating a bunch of extra ministries within the church, this fund allows the people of Embrace to truly BE the hands and feet of Jesus doing projects outside the church—to enter into the messiness of life, to get on the front lines in our own backyards with strangers or even better, people that we already know!
With any project, our goal is to partner with people, not be a savior. Through the Run Project we hope to truly live out the “Run” part of Embrace’s vision.

Run Project Guidelines.
1. Anyone can apply!
Anyone who considers Embrace their home can apply for a grant of up to $2,000.
2. Something local.
Projects need to assist something or someone local (other than the person applying or their own family).
3. Do it together.
Find at least 3 or more people to do a project with.
4. Multiply the money.
We hope you can get creative & multiply the gift. (Example: Instead of using the $1,000 to help pay someone’s medical bills, the $1,000 could be used to put together a fundraiser to raise $5,000.)
Ready to apply for
a Run Project?
You don’t need to have your idea finished. Apply and we will reach out to you ASAP!