How to Float in the Middle of a Flood Week 3
Pray and invite God into this time with Him.
Have you ever been in a situation where you thought “will this ever end”?
Read Genesis 7:10-24.
Have you ever felt like God had forgotten about you? Have you ever wondered where He was when you were going through a flood in your life?
Have you ever been in a flood that felt like it would never end? Did you try anything and everything to get out of it? Did any of those things work? Did they get you out of the flood faster or did they make you feel like you were sinking?
Read Genesis 8:1.
Even when it doesn’t feel like it, God is with us. Do you struggle to remember that God is with you even in the midst of difficult situations?
Have you ever cried out to God but didn’t hear anything back? How did that make you feel in that moment?
Looking back on that flood you went through now, can you see the ways that God was there with you even when it felt like He wasn’t?
Read Genesis 8:6-10.
The olive branch was God’s sign to Noah that the flood was coming to an end. What was the moment in your flood that signaled to you it was close to being over?
How did you feel after your flood was finally over?
Spiritual Practice
Reflection: Take a deep breath and reflect on the questions you just answered. Think about the floods you’ve experienced in life and reflect on if you felt alone through them or if you could feel God beside you in those moments. If your flood was in the past but you felt like God was nowhere to be seen while you were in it, think back on it now and see if you can see God’s hand in it more clearly now that you aren’t in it anymore.
Prayer: Spend time in prayer with God. If you’re still in the midst of a flood right now, pray that God would send you an olive branch. Ask Him for strength to make it through your situation. If you’ve already made it through a flood in your life, thank God for bringing you through it and watching over you through it all. Ask Him to help you remember that He is always with you and will never forget about you.