How to Float in the Middle of a Flood Week 4
Pray and invite God into this time with Him.
If you’ve gone through a flood in your life, how did you feel when it finally ended?
Read Genesis 8:13-16.
How do you think Noah and his family felt after the flood ended when they were still on the boat?
Do you feel like you’re still stuck on your ark from the flood you went through? Have you been scared to come out of the ark because you weren’t sure what was waiting for you outside?
What’s keeping you in the past, stuck on the ark?
What’s different about your life now that your flood is over?
Read Genesis 8:22.
Are you out of rhythm because of your flood?
What are some ways you can start getting back into your normal rhythms of life?
Read Genesis 8:18-21.
When Noah came out of the ark, the first thing he did was worship God. What are ways that you worship God in your life?
What’s your favorite worship song to sing?
Read Genesis 9:8, 12-15.
It’s easy for us to forget what God has done for us. Do you have a physical reminder of God’s promise to us? If not, what is a physical reminder you could get that will help you remember God’s promise?
Spiritual Practice
Reflection: Take a deep breath and reflect on the questions you just answered. Think about the past floods you’ve gone through in life and how you felt afterwards. Think about what you did immediately after the flood ended. Did you come out of your ark and start worshiping God? Or did you put that off to do other things? Think about ways that you can worship God and figure out a physical reminder to help you remember God’s promise to us.
Prayer: Spend time in prayer with God. If you’ve made it through a flood, thank God for bringing you through it. If you’re in the middle of a flood right now, ask God to give you strength to help you through it. If you haven’t experienced a flood, thank God for that but then ask Him to help you be prepared for any future floods that might come. Ask God for the strength it takes to come out of your ark. Ask Him to help you get back into the normal rhythms of life.