Esther Week 2
Pray and invite God into this time with Him.
Read Esther 2:20-3:1. How does Mordecai help the King? What does the King do in return?
How do you think Mordecai felt when Haman was honored?
Do good & don’t be concerned about getting credit. Have you ever done something, just to get credit for it? Have you ever done something good, knowing you wouldn’t receive credit? Describe the difference between those situations.
Read Esther 3:2-7. Describe what is happening in the story. Why do you think Haman was offended?
Every single day is filled with opportunities to be offended, but being offended doesn’t lead us to good places. Do you find yourself being easily offended? Take a moment to reflect on situations where you are easily offended.
In the rest of chapter 3, we learn about Haman’s plan to kill all Jews, including Mordecai. Haman was a descendant of the Amelakites, who hated the Jews. This explains why Haman hated Mordecai. Haman treated the Jews as being less than human. Have you been in a situation where you felt less than?
One lesson we can learn from Haman is don’t dehumanize humans. On the flip side of the previous question, have you ever found yourself considering someone, or a group of people, to be less than?
Spiritual Practice
Reflection: Reflect on the key takeaways from this message: Do good and don’t be concerned about getting credit, beware of being offended, and don’t humanize humans. Which of these stands out to you, and why?