Esther Week 1


  • Pray and invite God into this time with Him.

  • What’s your background with the book of Esther? Have you read it before? What do you know about it? If this is your first time reading through it, that’s awesome!

  • Read Esther 1:4-12. Summarize this passage in your own words.

  • In this passage, Queen Vashti does what’s right, even when it costs her. Describe a time that you struggled to do the right thing, knowing it would cost you. What happened? 

  • Do you find it challenging to do the right thing? Why or why not?

  • Esther ends up winning the King’s favor. She goes from being an orphan to being the Queen of Persia. But this moment isn’t for; instead, God wants to do something through her. In a similar way, your moment might not be for you. Thinking about your position, influence, income, family, or anything you have, how does it change your perspective to think about how God can use those things?

Spiritual Practice

Reflection: Make a list of the 5 people you’re closest to. Think of their attitudes, their character traits, how they handle adversity, and how they treat those around them. Write down anything that comes to mind. How are these people influencing you? If you are 

Prayer: Thinking about the circumstances you find yourself in right now, pray and ask God these two questions:

-What is this for?

-Who is this for?

Don’t think about where you desire your circumstances to be. God has you where you are right now for a reason.


Esther Week 2


Nothing Good Week 5