Nothing Good Week 5


  • Pray and invite God into this time with Him.

  • Read 2 Corinthians 12:6-10. Summarize what Paul is describing here. According to this passage, what does Paul think about suffering and weakness? What can we learn from Paul’s words?

  • Wounds are a part of the journey. Do you believe this to be true? How does this affect your relationship with Jesus?

  • Our wounds can produce scars, and scars can become beautiful. What scars have your wounds produced? How have you seen God work through those things?

  • True healing is only found in Jesus. Have you truly tried going to Jesus with the wounds you’ve experienced?

Spiritual Practice

Prayer: Go to Jesus in prayer. Bring Him any & all wounds you’ve experienced and ask for healing. Take time to process anything that comes to mind.


Esther Week 1


Nothing Good Week 4