Nothing Good Week 4
Pray and invite God into this time with Him.
What has stood out to you from this series so far?
Read Matthew 27:27-44. How did Jesus experience shame in this passage?
Read Hebrews 12:1-3. How did Jesus respond to the shame he experienced?
Shame is defined as the painful experience or feeling that we are flawed and unworthy of being loved. Can you relate to this wound of shame?
When we face shame, we accept it. Jesus rejects it. What would it look like to reject your shame?
One step we can take is to ask for & accept God’s forgiveness. If you feel shame about something in your life, have you done this? What stops you from asking for forgiveness? It’s one thing to ask, but it’s another to accept His forgiveness. His answer to forgiving you is always yes.
Spiritual Practice
Reflection: Another important step to take is to share it with a trusted friend. Even better if it’s someone who knows and loves Jesus. The enemy wants nothing more than to keep everything in the dark. When we bring our shame and our past into the light, God is able to fully heal us. If you’ve experienced this wound of shame, share it with a friend this week.