Nothing Good Week 3


  • Pray and invite God into this time with Him.

  • Abandonment is defined as, the act of leaving permanently or for a long time, especially when someone should not do so, the act of giving something up; to withdraw one’s support. Rejection is defined as the refusal to show someone the love or kindness that they need or expect or the feeling that someone does not love or want you. Do you identify with the wounds of abandonment or rejection?

  • What beliefs or vows have you developed from those wounds?

  • Read Matthew 27:37-50. Describe how Jesus felt abandonment or rejection in this passage.

Spiritual Practice

Reflection: You are not alone. Even with whatever abandonment or rejection you’ve experienced, God is with you and will always comfort you. Spend time writing in a journal or in prayer giving your thoughts to God. Write or pray anything that comes to mind on this topic.

Prayer: Pray this prayer, “Father, I felt abandoned or rejected when _______, but I choose to trust You. I’m not alone because You’re with me.”


Nothing Good Week 4


Nothing Good Week 2