Weird Stuff Christian Do Week 4
Pray and invite God into this time with Him.
Have you ever thought of Christians as hypocrites?
Read Matthew 23:27-28. Who is Jesus addressing in this passage? What is he saying to them?
The first reason there is hypocrisy in the church is because we know His story, but we don’t know Him. What do you think is the difference between knowing the story of Jesus and actually knowing the person of Jesus?
Another reason for hypocrisy in the church is that we know Him, but we don’t trust Him. Read Romans 7:15 & 18-19. Have you ever known the right thing to do, but done the exact opposite? What did you do next?
Read 1 John 1:9. Do you trust that what Jesus said is true?
Spiritual Practice
Reflection & Scripture: Get to know Jesus. Not just know things about Him, but really know Him. Start by reading either Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John and learn about who Jesus really is. Whenever you read, ask yourself, “What does this passage teach me about the person of Jesus?”
Confess: Confess to God about whatever it is you’re going through. Ask for forgiveness. The Bible tells us that when we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us (1 John 1:9.) Then find a trusted person who follows Jesus that you can also confess to. This brings your struggle from darkness to light, and allows you to not go through it alone.