Weird Stuff Christian Do Week 5


  • Pray and invite God into this time with Him.

  • Have you ever heard the phrase, “inviting Jesus into your heart?” If so, what is your experience with this phrase?

  • Read Ephesians 3:14-19. What specific things does Paul pray for in this passage?

  • Reread verse 17. What do you think it means that Jesus will “make his home in our hearts?”

  • Maybe you’ve invited Jesus into your life, but have you given Him permission to take over?

Spiritual Practice

Prayer: Take a moment to talk with Jesus about what this looks like in your life. Have you invited Him into your heart? Does Jesus have permission to to move things around in your life? Are there changes you need to make that would honor Jesus? Talk with Jesus about whatever comes to mind.

Reflection: When we invite Jesus into our hearts, we’re inviting Him to have total access. Many of us have given Jesus SOME access. Inviting Jesus into your heart is not a one time thing; it is a lifetime thing.Do you feel like Jesus has total access to your life? Are there areas of your life you don’t want Jesus to have access to? What would it look like for you to give those things to Jesus?


Weird Stuff Christian Do Week 6


Weird Stuff Christian Do Week 4