Ephesians Chapter 5


Read Ephesians 5 as a group.


  • In Ephesians 5:1-2, what does it mean to “walk in the way of love?” What are some practical ways to live this out?

  • Instead of sexual immorality, greed, and foolish talking, Paul says to have “thanksgiving” in verses 3-4. How does thanksgiving counter these things?

  • Summarize verses 8-14 in your own words. What do you think Paul means here by darkness and light? What could this look like in your life?

  • How do you understand what the Lord’s will is, as Paul explains in verse 17?

  • “Instead, be filled with the Spirit.” Give some examples for what it looks like to be filled

    with the Holy Spirit. How do you know if someone is filled with the Spirit? What are some

    ways you can continuously be filled with the Spirit, as Paul describes?

  • What questions, thoughts, or reflections do you have about Ephesians 5:21-33?


Pray as a group for anything that arose during this session. Pray specifically that everyone would be filled with the Holy Spirit.


Ephesians Chapter 6


Ephesians Chapter 4