Masterpiece Week 1


  • Pray and invite God into this time with Him.

  • Do you have a favorite piece of art? What makes it your favorite?

  • What do you notice in this painting?

  • Through this painting, we see God reaching out to Adam. Read Genesis 1:27 and Genesis 2:7.

  • What do you think it means for something to have worth?

  • You have the spark of God in you. God breathed His life into us in creation, giving us infinite worth. How does this change your view of worth, knowing that you are made in God’s image?

  • In this painting, we see Adam leaning back, with his hand resting on his knee. However, God is leaning forward, reading toward Adam. What do you think is significant about this depiction?

  • People are always seeking something greater than themselves, but it’s nothing compared to how God seeks them. Our seeking God looks like a weak, limp armed attempt compared to how intensely He seeks us. How does this change the way you view God?

  • Journal or pray to God, recognizing the idea that He is constantly seeking after you.

creation of adam painting by michaelangelo

Masterpiece Week 2


Weird Stuff Christian Do Week 7