Weird Stuff Christian Do Week 7
What has stood out to you from this series so far?
What is your experience with hearing from God? Has anyone ever told you something they heard from God?
Read 1 Kings 19:9-13. How did Elijah hear God’s voice?
God is always speaking, just maybe not in the way we think. When was a time you thought you heard from God, but it was more of your own voice?
God speaks through His word. What could it look like to hear God speak through His word? Do you have a rhythm for reading the Bible?
God speaks through other people. Do you have people in your life who follow Jesus that God can speak through to you? If not, what are steps you could take to find those people?
God can speak through you to others. Have you ever felt a nudge to help someone or tell someone something? This week, if you have an encouraging thought that comes to mind, tell that person.
Spiritual Practice
Hear from God: Pray and invite God into your time with Him. Spend 10 minutes in silence. Though your mind may wander, think of 1000 distracted thoughts and 1000 opportunities to turn your attention back toward him. When the time is up, write down any thoughts that come to mind. This could include scripture, songs, people that come to mind, pictures, or other thoughts.