Timeline Week 2
Pray and invite God into this time with Him.
Read Luke 24:1-8. Describe what is happening in this story. What were the women told?
The women were looking for Jesus in a place that was for the dead. We often look for life in dead places. What do you think this means for a follower of Jesus?
Read Luke 24:9-12. How does Peter react to hearing this news? What does he do?
Desperate people run to Jesus. Peter was desperate to know the truth of Jesus. When was the last time you felt desperate for Jesus? What does it mean to be desperate for Jesus?
Read Luke 24:36-49. What does Jesus do?
Spiritual Practice
Reflection: Run to Jesus. Be desperate for Him. Do something to spend time with Jesus today. It could be going on a walk and talking to Him. It could be writing your thoughts to Him in a journal.
Go Further: Maybe you’ve heard about Jesus, but have you seen Him? What next steps do you need to take in your relationship with Jesus?