Timeline Week 1
Pray and invite God into this time with Him.
Read Matthew 21:1-11. Describe what is happening in this passage. What did the people do to greet Jesus?
Give the King your coat. What does it look like to show respect and honor to Jesus?
Read Matthew 21:12-17. On the next day, Jesus goes to the temple, clearing out the money changers and the sellers that defiled the temple.
Why do you think Jesus reacted in this way?
What are the tables Jesus needs to overturn inside of you.
On Tuesday, Jesus began teaching around Jerusalem. Read Matthew 22:34-40. What does Jesus say is the greatest commandment?
What do you think it means to love God & love people?
Spiritual Practice
Reflection: What does it look like in your life to love God & love people? Do the people in your life know that you love Jesus because of the way you care for them?