Timeline Week 3
Pray and invite God into this time with Him.
What do you know about the story of Jesus after His resurrection?
Read Matthew 28:16-20. How would you summarize what Jesus teaches in this passage? What does He tell us to do?
What have you been taught by Jesus that you can teach someone else? It could be something you’ve learned reading Scripture, or at church, or from reading a devotional.
Read John 21:15-17. What does Jesus tell Peter (and us) to do in this passage?
By “sheep,” Jesus is referring to all God’s people. What does it mean to care for other people? What are some practical ways you can do this?
Read Acts 1:3-9. What does Jesus ask of His disciples in this passage?
What does it mean to be a “witness?”
Spiritual Practice
Share Your Story: Spend 10 minutes thinking through and writing down what Jesus has done in your life. Think back on the last 5, 10, or 20 years. Where have you seen Jesus show up? What did He protect you from? When did He guide you, even though you didn’t realize it at the time?