2 Samuel Week 3
Pray and invite God into this time with Him.
What has stood out to you so far in 2 Samuel?
Read 1 Samuel 13.
Three warnings from Absalom’s story:Revenge never makes things right; it just creates more wrong.
Have you ever tried to seek revenge? How did that end up?
Absalom stewed on his anger for two years before seeking revenge. Is there anywhere in your life that you’re holding onto anger? What do you need to let go of before it turns into revenge?
Undermining others is conniving, not kind.
Read 1 Samuel 15:1-4. How do you see this warning play out in Absalom’s story?
Have you ever undermined others, either accidentally or intentionally?
Charisma without character will catch up with you.
Read 2 Samuel 18:9. What ends up happening to Absalom?
Unlike David, Absalom lacked character. What does this look like for you? What can you do to build your character? What are you prioritizing over your character?