2 Samuel Week 4
Pray and invite God into this time with Him.
Read 2 Samuel 9:1-11. Describe what is happening in this story.
How did David show God’s kindness to Mephibosheth?
If you want to see a miracle, imitate God. What does it mean to imitate God? What are some ways to do this in your own life?
Read 2 Samuel 19:24-30. David learns that Ziba lies to him. David thought Mephibosheth betrayed him, but Ziba actually betrayed Mephibosheth. How do you think David felt learning that he was lied to by Ziba?
Have you ever been betrayed? How did that affect your relationship with God?
Other people will often fail us, but God never will. What does it look like to keep your trust in God in the midst of betrayal and mistrust from people?
Spiritual Practice
Reflection: David & Mephibosheth’s story teaches us to see God’s beauty in the midst of a dark world. Imitating God and following His ways doesn’t fix everything but it does stand out. Similar to the stars in a dark night sky, even the smallest bit of light can shine in the darkness. What does it look like to remain faithful to what God has called you to? What does it look like to bring light to a dark world?