A White Elephant Christmas Week 4
Pray and invite God into this time with Him.
What is the best gift you’ve ever received?
Read Luke 2:4-15. What stands out to you in this passage?
What do you think it means that Jesus is our Savior?
Jesus is our Lord. We need someone to listen to and follow. Why is it important to be following and listening to the right things?
Is there someone or something you typically listen to or follow more than Jesus?
Jesus is our Messiah. He is not just a king, He is the King. We as humans are created to worship. What are some things that people tend to worship over Jesus?
Thinking about your own life, what do you tend to worship more than Jesus?
Spiritual Practice
Worship: Jesus is worthy of our worship. Take time to worship Jesus sometime this week. It could be putting on a worship song and listening to the words. It could be going on a walk and praying for your neighbors. It could be anything that connects you to him.