A White Elephant Christmas Week 4


  • Pray and invite God into this time with Him.

  • What is the best gift you’ve ever received?

  • Read Luke 2:4-15. What stands out to you in this passage?

  • What do you think it means that Jesus is our Savior?

  • Jesus is our Lord. We need someone to listen to and follow. Why is it important to be following and listening to the right things?

  • Is there someone or something you typically listen to or follow more than Jesus?

  • Jesus is our Messiah. He is not just a king, He is the King. We as humans are created to worship. What are some things that people tend to worship over Jesus?

  • Thinking about your own life, what do you tend to worship more than Jesus?

Spiritual Practice

Worship: Jesus is worthy of our worship. Take time to worship Jesus sometime this week. It could be putting on a worship song and listening to the words. It could be going on a walk and praying for your neighbors. It could be anything that connects you to him.


5 Mindsets That Ruin Your Life Week 1


A White Elephant Christmas Week 3