5 Mindsets That Ruin Your Life Week 1


  • Pray and invite God into this time with Him.

  • How would you define a “mindset”? How does a mindset impact your life?

  • When was a time that you used blame to push the responsibility off yourself? How did the situation resolve? How did it make you feel to put on the mindset of blame?

  • Read Matthew 16:24-25. What does this verse say about the mindset of Christ? What do you think Jesus is saying by “taking up your cross?”

  • How is the mindset of Christ different from the mindset of blame?

Spiritual Practice

Reflection: What area of your life are you blaming? What would it look like for you to take responsibility & pick up that cross?


5 Mindsets That Ruin Your Life Week 2


A White Elephant Christmas Week 4