A White Elephant Christmas Week 3


  • Pray and invite God into this time with Him.

  • Share about a time that you dealt with grief. It could be for the loss of a loved one, or loss of a dream, a marriage, a job, or anything.

  • Read John 11:1-36. Describe what is happening here. How does Jesus respond? What stands out to you in this 

  • Bring your grief to Jesus. How did Martha bring her grief to Jesus?

  • Grieve with hope. How does Jesus give Martha hope in this story?

Spiritual Practice

Reflect: Bring your grief to Jesus. Don’t stop talking to Jesus. Share your anger with Him, your frustration, all your feelings, but don’t stop talking to Him. 

Share: If you are walking through grief, find a friend that you can talk to and share with. If you know someone walking through grief, reach out and check in on them.


A White Elephant Christmas Week 4


A White Elephant Christmas Week 2