A White Elephant Christmas Week 2
Pray and invite God into this time with Him.
What comes to mind when you think of drama?
Read 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 from The Message translation. What is Paul saying here?
Do you ever feel like you cause drama? Why do you think that is?
Read Proverbs 26:17. What does this verse say to do with drama?
How do you think we should handle drama as followers of Jesus?
Read Micah 7:6-8. What kind of drama does Micah describe here? How does he react? How would you react in his situation?
Spiritual Practice
Reflection: What are some ways you can keep your eyes on Jesus this Christmas season, looking past all the drama? Make a plan for how you can react if situations arise.
Prayer: Pray for any family members or friends you may have disagreements with. Pray for any drama that may be going on around you.