The Book of John Week 3
Pray and invite God into this time with Him.
Read John 3:1-10.
Do you feel curious about Jesus? What thoughts do you have about Him?
What do you think of when you hear the term “born again”?
Can you remember the time in your life before you accepted Jesus into it? Did it feel dark?
How does your life feel after you’ve accepted Jesus into? Does it feel lighter?
Read John 3:9-16.
Do you remember the first time you heard the verse John 3:16? What was the context of you hearing/seeing that verse for the first time?
Do you believe Jesus is the one who cures your sin, heals your brokenness, and puts you back together?
Read John 3:38-40.
Do you want to believe? Do you want to be born again?
Spiritual Practice
Prayer: Spend time in prayer with God. Thank Him for sending Jesus, His one and only Son, to come save us from our sin. If you haven’t already, admit your sin to Jesus and ask Him to save you from it. Ask Him to come make you born again.