The Book of John Week 2
Pray and invite God into this time with Him.
Read John 2:1-3.
Have you had moments in life where you’ve felt like the wine ran out? Where something came to an end? What were they? How did you feel in those moments?
What was your response to those moments when something came to an end? Did you turn to a certain vice to help you through it? Did you start making bad decisions?
Read John 2:3-8.
Have you been feeling or ever felt like the time has come for you to take action? To take the next step, to do the hard thing, to make a difficult choice?
Do you ever feel like Jesus is telling you to do something? Did you do it? Or are you still putting it off?
Read John 2:9-10.
What are some ways you’ve seen Jesus provide in your life? Especially in the moments after your wine ran out?
Read John 2:11.
When your wine runs out, are you left with Jesus? Or are you left with the bad habits and poor decisions you’re turning towards instead?
Spiritual Practice
Prayer: Spend time in prayer with God. Think about the times where your wine has run out. Thank Jesus for being there for you in those low moments. Thank Him for the strength He gave you to get through the tough times. Remember to praise Him in the good moments as well as the bad ones – Jesus is always there for you.