Zero to Everything Week 2


  • Pray and invite God into this time with Him.

  • What has stood out to you from today’s message & last week’s message? 

  • How do you feel when you think about giving back to God? What emotions pop up, what thoughts run through your head? 

  • Read Leviticus 27:30. Are you giving your best to God? Why or why not? 

  • Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-8. Are you a cheerful giver? Or are you a reluctant giver? 

  • Who do you know in your life that models true generosity? How do they live this out? What makes you look up to them? 

  • What if Jesus had only given 10% instead of everything? How different would our lives look? Are you glad that Jesus gave everything?

  • Four steps to growing in this area:

    • Give something & give it consistently.

    • Grow to 10%. 

    • Go to 10%.

    • Be generous.

Spiritual Practice

Prayer: Spend time in prayer with God. Thank Him for the blessings He’s already given you. Ask Him to help you open your heart and be a cheerful giver. Ask the Lord to help you trust that He will provide for you no matter what.


There’s No Plan B (Bob Merritt)


Zero to Everything Week 1