Surviving January Week 3


  • Start your time with God by processing your feelings right now. What are you excited about? What are you nervous about? What are you mad about? 

  • Read Psalm 139:13-14 slowly. What jumps out to you? 

  • Is it easy for you to love people different from yourself? Why or why not? 

  • If you’re married, how are you different from your spouse? How is that good? How can you love their differences? 

  • If you’re not married, think about the close relationships you have in your life. How are you similar or different to the people you are close to?

  • How are you pursuing Jesus in your daily life? If you’re married, how are you pursuing Jesus together? 

Prayer: Whether you’re single, dating or married, ask God for what you need in the area of relationships. Ask Him to show you what He’s doing in your life through those people. Thank Him for the people He’s put in your life during this season.


Surviving January Week 4


Surviving January Week 2