Esther Week 4
Pray and invite God into this time with Him.
Read Esther 5:9-14. Summarize this passage in your own words.
Haman has so much anger toward Mordecai because he has a need to be in control. Can you identify with this need for control? Do you ever try to control things that ultimately are not in your control?
Read Esther 5:10-11. Haman ends up having to praise Mordecai in the way he wanted to be praised. Do you think this would’ve turned out differently if Haman had taken a humble approach? How so?
Read Matthew 20:16. What does this verse mean for us as followers of Jesus?
Read Esther 7:1-10. Esther found favor in the eyes of the King. What does it mean to have favor with someone
Who is someone in your life that has favor with you? Someone with high character that you trust.
Favor is not charming people or doing things to please others. It comes from your character. Do you have favor in the eyes of others? If you don’t, what needs to change in your character to get it?
Spiritual Practice
Reflection: Travis shared three pieces of wisdom we learn from this story.
The need to be in control, will end up controlling you.
Don’t chase first place.
Favor is more powerful than force.
Which of these stands out to you the most, and why? Talk with God about it. Ask Him what steps you need to take next.