Deconstruct: Week 3
What has stood out to you from this series so far?
Have you ever had doubts or uncertainties about your faith? Share or journal about something you currently or used to doubt.
Read John 20:24-29. What is happening in this passage? Why do you think Thomas doubted? What do you think Thomas was feeling through this story?
In what ways, if any, can you relate to Thomas?
Pastor Timothy Keller says, ”Everybody has doubts. But nobody doubts their doubts.” Does this quote make sense to you? What does it mean to “doubt our doubts?” What would it look like for you to doubt your doubts?
Spiritual Practice
Reflection: Doubt doesn’t have to destroy your faith; it can be an invitation to grow closer to Jesus. Write down your doubts. Spend time considering your doubts in Jesus’ presence. Bring them to Jesus. Be open about what you’re doubting and struggling with.
Respond: Doubt invites us to ask better questions. What questions do you have about faith and belief? Make a plan to ask those questions. Meet with a pastor. Find a podcast from a Christian theologian or thinker on a specific topic. Do research. Most importantly, remember the most important question: Did Jesus rise from the dead? If the answer is yes, then all the other questions we have are not nearly as important. Jesus is the most important thing.