167: Week 6


  • What has stood out to you from this series?

  • Read Romans 12:17-21. What stands out to you from this passage?

  • How would you define “revenge”? What does revenge look like in our society today?

  • In verse 18, Paul says, “Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.” What does it mean to bring peace? What can we do to live in peace with everyone? What are ways we can bring peace to those around us?

  • Stop repaying evil with evil. Where in your life do you need to stop the cycle of repaying evil with evil?
    Spiritual Practice

Spiritual Practice

Response: Are you currently in a situation where you want to take revenge? Take time to pray about that situation and bring it to God. What can you do to bring peace to that situation or person? What will you do this week to bring peace?

Serve: Serve someone who has wronged you. Not out of an evil intention, but out of a kind heart. Make a plan to serve someone this week.


Deconstruct: Week 1


167: Week 5