167: Week 4


  • Romans 12:13-16. What stands out to you from these verses? 

  • How would you define “hospitality”? 

  • When was a time you felt like an outsider? What was that experience like? What feelings went through your head, and was there anything that helped you not feel like an outsider anymore?

  • When you think about the people in your life, who is in your circle? Who is outside of your circle? 

  • What would it look like for you to practice radical hospitality and invite people into your home?

Spiritual Practice

Hospitality: Reread Romans 12:13-16. In this passage, Paul challenges Jesus' followers to go outside of their circle. Don’t wait for them; take the first step and go to them. Think of someone in your life who may be considered an outsider. Think of a way to go to them this week. Start a conversation. Listen well. Help this person feel seen. Invite 1 person in this week.

Gratitude: No one in all of history was better at showing hospitality than Jesus. He made the outsiders, insiders. Even when we’re broken, when we screw up, at our lowest points, Jesus loved us to the point that He died for us. When we were outsiders, Jesus made us insiders. Spend time with Jesus expressing gratitude to Him for the way He loves us.


167: Week 5


167: Week 3