167: Week 3


  • Read Romans 12:4-8. In your own words, what is Paul saying here? What stands out to you from this passage?

  • Have you heard of the phrase, “spiritual gift”? Where have you heard it or learned about them previously? Do you know what your spiritual gift is?

  • Read through each of these gifts that Paul mentioned. Which of these stands out to you as a spiritual gift you may have? Why or why not?

  1. Prophecy: the ability to say the truth. Often are able to sense good and evil in certain situations. They often know what is right and wrong.

  2. Serving: the ability to identify and complete tasks. This person is passionate about doing all the little tasks. They think, “this is a task that God needs done, and I’m going to do it.”

  3. Teaching: the ability to explain things so others can understand. When this person reads scripture, they immediately think about who they can share it with. You don’t need to be a teacher to have the gift of teaching.

  4. Encouragement: the ability to strengthen others. This person comes alongside others to make them stronger. They have the right words at the right time.

  5. Giving: the ability to share what you have to meet the needs of others. They understand that all resources have been given to them by God.

  6. Leading: the ability to move others toward a goal. This person is passionate about reaching goals, and sharing a compelling vision that moves people. 

  7. Mercy: the ability to sense hurt and respond with love. You can feel the pain of others, and are moved to do something to love someone well. 

  • How are you using your spiritual gift in your 167? What are some ways you could start using it more?
    Spiritual Practice


167: Week 4


167: Week 2