Gracious Father, Heavenly Kind: Week 1
What stood out to you from this message?
Read 1 Chronicles 29:10-13. Make a list or underline the ways God is described. Verse 13 tells us to thank and praise God for who He is. Spend some time praising God by thanking God for each thing you underlined or put on your list from these verses.
Is it easier for you to see God as a gracious father or as a heavenly king?
God is the owner of all things, which means we’re just the manager of the things we own. Is that an easy or uncomfortable thing for you to acknowledge? What does it mean to manage the things in your life well? How can you honor God through the way you manage your belongings?
God has power over everything. It’s unlimited! And His power strengthens us to handle the hard things in our lives when we ask Him for help: depression, cancer, addiction, a struggling marriage, life in general. What’s an area of your life where you need God’s strength to help you?
Spiritual Practice
Prayer: Spend some time this week talking with God about the things in your life you typically think of as “yours.” Your job, your home, your relationships and family, your time. Acknowledge that those belongings actually belong to God, and let God know that you’re willing to use them to serve others. Ask him to send chances to serve others with what you have this week. Watch for those opportunities to happen as you’re at work, the grocery store, softball league, or anywhere else you go this week.