Surviving January Week 1
Pray and invite God into this time with Him.
How do you feel by the time January rolls around? Are you feeling some post-holiday sadness? Feeling gross because it’s so cold and dark outside?
Do you ever feel like you’re just trying to survive the month of January?
How is your relationship with Jesus currently? Do you feel close to Him or far away from Him?
Is Jesus the foundation of your life?
Read John 15:1-6.
What do those verses say to you?
Read John 15:1-2.
Do you need to prune your life? What are some things you could start cutting out of your life that would help you be closer to Jesus?
Read John 15:5-6.
If Jesus isn’t currently the foundation of your life, what are some areas that you can start adding Jesus into? What are ways you can stay connected with Jesus?
Spiritual Practice
Reflection: Take a deep breath and reflect on the questions you just answered. Think about the ways you’re currently connected to Jesus and about ways to be more connected to Him. Reflect on the way you usually feel in January - sad, cold, dark - and think about how much better January (and your life) can be if you start pruning it.
Prayer: Spend time in prayer with God. Ask God to highlight what areas in your life need to be pruned so you can be closer to Him. Thank Him for wanting to be close to you and for being the foundation of your life. Ask Him to help you be closer to Him.