Behind the Music Week 5


  • Pray and invite God into this time with Him.

  • Read ROMANS 7:15. Paul seems very conflicted about knowing what is right and wrong, but still doing what is wrong. Have there been moments in your life where you knew the right thing to do but did the wrong thing anyway? Was it because of selfish ambitions?

  • Brian tells us that time makes us older, but not better. Just because we age doesn’t mean we always acquire the wisdom that is said to come with it. When we analyze our experiences and let God change what doesn’t look like him, that makes us better. Is there something in your life that doesn’t look like God that needs to change?

  • Paul takes responsibility for his wrongdoings. Why can it be so hard at times to take responsibility for something that you are ashamed of? When you do take responsibility, do you ever see long-term growth?

  • Do you feel a sense of freedom when you take responsibility?

  • The final lesson Brian taught us is that we are not the hero of our own story, Jesus is. A lot of times we put our trust and faith into the anti-heroes. Whether that be politicians, celebrities, or a friend, at the end of the day those people aren’t a perfect hero like Jesus is. Has there been a time when you put your faith in the wrong person (the anti-hero)?

Spiritual Practice

Reflection: Ask yourself these three questions Paul asks himself in the Bible. Why do I do what I do? Why do I keep falling short? Why do I keep making the same mistakes over and over? Reflect and think about those answers.

Prayer: Spend time in prayer over what you have reflected on. If you couldn’t figure out the answers to the questions, then continue to pray for God to open your mind to the answers. If you have the answers, ask God to use them to help bring you wisdom and grow closer to Him. Pray to God to give you constant reminders of who the true hero is in our lives.


Behind the Music Week 6


Behind the Music Week 4