Behind the Music Week 1
Pray and invite God into this time with Him.
The song “Waffle House” was created with a deeper meaning to the Jonas Brothers. Is there a song in your life that has a deeper meaning to you?
The Jonas Brothers describe that the Waffle House was a sanctuary for them, a place where ideas could be explored and problems were solved. What is that place for you?
Is there a place where you see God the most? If so, what is that place?
Read Psalm 27:5. King David is talking about God in this verse. The word “sanctuary” in the Bible is described as a place that is safe and holy. Knowing those bits of information, what do you get from this passage?
Is God your sanctuary?
Spiritual Practice
Reflection: The main word from this message was SANCTUARY. Reflect on what that word means to you. What is your sanctuary? Is it a place that is safe and holy? Is God your sanctuary?
Prayer: Spend time in prayer over what you have reflected on. If God isn’t your sanctuary, pray that He reveals His holy self to you, that He reveals that He is a safe space to put your heart in. If God is your sanctuary, pray for the continuous love and protection that God brings to flow through your life.