Smoke & Mirrors Week 5
Pray and invite God into this time with Him.
Read Matthew 23:25-26. How does Jesus describe the religious leaders he is referring to?
What do you think it looks like to have smoke and mirrors when it comes to your faith?
What is your experience with the practice of confession?
Have you ever confessed sin to another person? What was that experience like? How did that change your outlook on sin?
To get rid of the smoke & mirrors around your faith, you need to keep the first thing the first thing. When did you first start following Jesus?
Spiritual Practice
Confession: Read James 5:16. Confess your sins to God and to at least one person this week. Make note of how it feels to bring this darkness into the light.
Centering Prayer: Pray this simple prayer as a way to be centered on Jesus. Use this prayer at any time of day.
Choose a sacred word as the symbol of your intention to be in God’s presence. Examples: Jesus, Holy Spirit, etc.
Sitting comfortably with eyes closed, silently introduce your sacred word as you enter into God’s presence. “Jesus…”
When you become aware of thoughts or when your mind starts to wander, gently return to the word you chose.
At the end of your prayer, remain in silence with eyes closed for a few minutes.