Smoke & Mirrors Week 4
Pray and invite God into this time with Him.
Read Genesis 2:15, Colossians 3:23-24, & Ecclesiastes 9:10. What is the common message of these three verses?
The problem isn’t our work. The problem is what’s driving our work, such as money, fame, or control. What do you feel drives your work (inside or outside the home)?
Read Mark 10:35-45. What are James and John asking of Jesus? How does Jesus respond to them?
What do you think this passage means for us and our calling from Jesus? How does this change your view of work?
When we think about our future, we can actually change our present. What comes to mind when thinking about your future? What do you want to be most important when you get to the end of your life?
Spiritual Practice
Reflection: Take a few moments to reflect on your work. How is your work different from your calling? What do you feel is your calling? If you aren’t sure, pray and ask God to help clarify that for you.