Underrated Week 2


  • Pray and invite God into this time with Him.

  • Read Numbers 22:2-22. Summarize what is happening in this story.

  • God sees past our actions; He sees our intentions. When have you had a positive action with a negative intention?

  • Read Numbers 22:28-31. What does the donkey say to Balaam?

  • God speaks through the unexpected. When was a time God used something unexpected to speak to you?

  • Read Numbers 22:32-35. What does God tell Balaam to do?

  • God’s best is often no, not yes. Do you agree with this? Why or why not?Have you ever prayed for something where God answered with a “no?” What was that like? 

  • What other things stand out to you from the story of Balaam and his donkey?

Spiritual Practice

Prayer: Take a moment to think about any negative intentions you may have. These are not things to feel shame for, but to just bring to God. Bring God into the conversation about your intentions. Read 1 Samuel 16:7 as you pray.


Underrated Week 3


Underrated Week 1