Underrated Week 1
Pray and invite God into this time with Him.
Have you heard the story of Ananias?
Read Acts 9:4-19. Describe the major events happening in this passage.
What does God ask Ananias to do? How does he respond to God at first?
Ananias questioned what God was asking him to do. Do you ever feel the same? Do you ever question God, even knowing that what He wants is always best?
Read Acts 22:12-13. 23 years later, Paul is sharing the story of his conversion to following Jesus. This is the first time (that we know of) that Ananias is recognized for raising up Paul. Have you ever not gotten recognition for something that you felt like you deserved?
What did you learn from Ananias through this story?
Spiritual Practice
Reflect: Who is someone that raised you up? Who is someone that was in your corner when no one else was? Thank God for that person right now.
Respond: Your greatest impact might not be what you do, but who you raise up. Who in your life is God calling you to raise up? Pray and ask God to show you who that person might be.