5 Mindsets That Ruin Your Life Week 5
What has stood out to you the most from this series?
How would you define the mindset of indulgence?
Read Proverbs 25:16, Proverbs 23:20-21, and Philippians 3:19. What do these verses say about the dangers of indulgence?
If the mindset of the world is indulgence, the mindset of Christ is feasting and fasting. Jesus did both. Read Luke 5:29 and John 2:10. How do these verses show how Jesus feasted?
Jesus also fasted. Read Matthew 6:16 and Matthew 4:1-11. What do these verses teach us about fasting?
Spiritual Practice
Feasting: Jesus feasted. If you find yourself restricting and denying yourself, what can you do this week to lighten up and feast?
Fasting: In order to enjoy the feast, we have to fast. Fasting involves denying yourself something (usually food, but it doesn’t have to be) for a period of time. Lent starts on Wednesday, February 14. Think about what you can fast from for 40 days, potentially something that you might be tempted to indulge in.