

  • Pray and invite God into this time with Him.

  • What darkness do you notice in the world around you?

  • Read John 20:11-18. What do you think Mary was feeling in this situation? What was the first thing Jesus said to her? 

  • What do you think is significant about Jesus saying Mary’s name?

  • Have you ever experienced the freedom that comes with bringing something into the light? What was that experience like?

Spiritual Practice

Prayer & Accountability: Are there currently dark places in your life? Do you have areas where you’re hiding something or areas that feel dark? Where do you need to bring the light in? 

  • Pray and invite Jesus into those dark places. Jesus also experienced darkness and knows exactly what you’re feeling. You could journal a prayer or speak it aloud.

  • One way we can bring light to a dark situation is to tell someone. Find a trusted friend that you can share about the dark places in your life. 

Reflection: The light wakes us up. Has Jesus been saying your name? Is Jesus calling you to something more?


Weird Stuff Christian Do Week 1


Palm Sunday