Pray and invite God into this time with Him.
What darkness do you notice in the world around you?
Read John 20:11-18. What do you think Mary was feeling in this situation? What was the first thing Jesus said to her?
What do you think is significant about Jesus saying Mary’s name?
Have you ever experienced the freedom that comes with bringing something into the light? What was that experience like?
Spiritual Practice
Prayer & Accountability: Are there currently dark places in your life? Do you have areas where you’re hiding something or areas that feel dark? Where do you need to bring the light in?
Pray and invite Jesus into those dark places. Jesus also experienced darkness and knows exactly what you’re feeling. You could journal a prayer or speak it aloud.
One way we can bring light to a dark situation is to tell someone. Find a trusted friend that you can share about the dark places in your life.
Reflection: The light wakes us up. Has Jesus been saying your name? Is Jesus calling you to something more?