Mark: Week 4


  • Pray and invite God into this time with Him.

  • If you’ve done any of the Mark reading plan, what has stuck out to you so far?

  • Read Mark 15:1-15. Describe what is happening in this story.

  • Sometimes the strongest thing you can do is be silent. Jesus is being falsely accused, yet he remains silent. What do you think Jesus was feeling at this moment?

  • Do you typically remain silent when you are falsely accused? Or when people talk about you behind your back? What is your typical response in those situations? What would it look like to follow Jesus’ example when it comes to silence?

  • Pilate gives into the crowd and frees Barabbas instead of freeing Jesus. What do you think was going through Barabbas’ mind at this moment?

Spiritual Practice

Reflect: Where are you with Jesus? Are you struggling with guilt or shame? Invite Jesus into your life. If you feel unworthy of his love, know that Jesus looks at you and loves you. He forgives you, and he traded his life for yours.

Response: The silence of the Lion is the loudest roar of His love. Spend a few minutes in silence, reflecting on the fact that Jesus traded his life for yours. Pray and thank Him for his love today.


Mark: Week 5


Mark: Week 3