Canary in a Coal Mine Week 2
Pray and invite God into this time with Him.
Are you currently hiding something? What are you hiding? Say it out loud into the space you’re in.
Why are you hiding these things? Who are you hiding them from?
Read Psalm 32:3-5.
How do you feel about these things you’re hiding? Do you feel weighed down by them? Like David, do you feel like your bones are groaning from the weight of the hiding? That’s the conviction of God.
How can you stop hiding? Who is someone you can tell about whatever it is that’s weighing you down?
Spiritual Practice
Reflection: Take a deep breath and reflect on the questions you just answered. Think about the things you’re hiding and why you’re hiding them. Ask yourself why you can’t seem to stop doing whatever it is you’re doing that you have to hide. Then, just tell God about it. Tell Him what it is you’ve been hiding so He can take the weight off you.
Prayer: Spend time in prayer with God. Tell Him about whatever it is you’re hiding, then ask Him to forgive you. Ask Him to give you the strength to stop whatever it is you’re doing and to tell someone else. If you haven’t yet, ask Him to come into your life and walk beside you as you navigate a life free from hiding.