That One Time Week 3


  • Pray and invite God into this time with Him.

  • Think back on your life and things you’ve done. Is there anything you wish you could have done differently? Something you said that you wish you could take back? Think about those regrets you might have and how they still affect you today. 

  • Read Acts 7:58-60, 8:1.

  • Before Paul came to know Jesus, he was Saul; a person who rounded up Christians and executed them because they followed Jesus. If anyone has a past worthy of regret, it’s Paul. Yet, when Saul became Paul and started following Jesus, his teachings became some of the most powerful teachings in the Bible. That wasn’t in spite of Paul’s past, it was because of his past. How can you take what you regret and use it to turn it into something good? 

  • Read Romans 8:28.

  • God wants to use your regrets for good. If you’ve been at rock bottom and know how to come back from that, you can help someone else who just hit rock bottom and doesn’t know how to get back up. God wants to use your past experiences to help shepherd others. 

  • Don’t let yourself be paralyzed by your past. How can you move forward? What steps do you need to take to reconcile your regrets and move forward with Christ by your side? 

Spiritual Practice

Reflection: Take a moment to reflect on the questions you just answered. Think about any regrets you have. Now let them go. Give them to God. Write down your regrets and picture yourself physically handing them off to God and letting Him take the weight off your shoulders. Let God take your past and use it for good. 

Prayer: Spend time in prayer. Give your regrets to God. Ask Him to take what you’ve done and who you were and help you leave it in the past. Pray that He would help you move on from your regrets. 


Canary in a Coal Mine Week 1


That One Time Week 2