Ephesians Chapter 2


Read Ephesians 2 as a group.


  • What do you think Paul means in Ephesians 2:1-2 by saying we were “dead in our sins” in the way we used to live before Jesus? How would you explain this in the simplest way?

  • Verse 4 mentions God’s “great love for us.” God has a great love for you, despite your mistakes and failures. Have you ever tried to improve yourself and be more “loveable” to God? How does it give you comfort knowing that God already loves you so much?

  • What’s the greatest gift you’ve ever received? How does it change your perspective on grace, thinking of it as God’s gift to you? (See Ephesians 2:8)

  • Ephesians 2:10 calls us God’s “handiwork” or “masterpiece.” The word for handiwork here is translated from the ancient Greek word “poiema,” literally translating to “work of art.” In your opinion, how does an artist typically feel about his or her work if it is referred to as a masterpiece? How does it feel knowing you are God’s poiema, or His work of art?

  • Looking at the remainder of Ephesians 2:10, what do you think it means that God prepared us to do good works? What are some examples of the work God prepares us to do?

  • Have you ever felt like an outsider? What was that experience like?

  • Read Ephesians 2:11-18. This passage is about how Jesus’ death and resurrection brought these two groups of people together: Jews & Gentiles. According to this passage, how do you think God feels about outsiders (Gentiles)?

  • As one body in Christ, we are all built on the same foundation–Jesus. He is the cornerstone. The cornerstone refers to a binding stone in a foundation that holds a building together. What do you think it means to have Jesus as your chief cornerstone?


Take a few minutes to reflect on the role Jesus has in your life. What is the true cornerstone of your life right now? Is it Jesus or something else?


Ephesians Chapter 3


Ephesians Chapter 1