Zero To Everything Week 2
Pray and invite God into this time with Him.
What stood out to you from today’s and last week’s messages?
Read Psalm 24:1-2. What does it mean that everything is the Lord’s?
When it comes to our finances, God owns it, but we manage it. How does this change your view on what you own?
What does it mean to invest in eternity?
Who do you know in your life that modeled true generosity? How did they live this out? What made you look up to them?
How do you feel about the word “obedience” when it comes to our finances? Do you find it hard to be obedient to God? Why or why not?
Spiritual Practice
Scripture: Read Mark 12:41-44. Describe in your own words what is happening in this story. How would you compare the attitudes toward giving for the rich people and for the widow? What does Jesus say about the widow? What does this story teach us about giving and how Jesus felt about giving?