Underrated Week 4
Pray and invite God into this time with Him.
Read John 1:44-51. Describe what is happening in this verse?
How does Nathaniel respond to Peter?
When was a time someone recognized something good about you? How did that make you feel?
Jesus knows Nathaniel and He knows you. What is it like to be known by someone?
Do you ever wonder if God sees you? Do you wonder where He is? Describe a time when you wrestled with these questions.
When was a time you felt seen by God?
Do you truly believe that God is capable of moving in your life? If not, what is keeping you from that?
Spiritual Practice
Prayer: Spend time in prayer thinking about Jesus’ invitation to follow Him. Do you want to follow Jesus? Are you following Him with every area of your life? Have you publicly declared Jesus as Lord, just as Nathaniel did?